Procrastination vs. Postponement and Tracking Our To-Dos – DBR 020

I wanted to talk about procrastination… I think that we have a fair amount of confusion about procrastination. One of the clear points I want to make is that procrastination is not some moral failing. It’s not some example of ‘lack of discipline’. I believe, in almost all cases, it’s actually a problem with our systems […]

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Lies – perfection should be the target of your work – DBR 018

The lie:Perfection should be the underlying goal of your work Or (rephrased) you should pursue ‘excellence’ in everything you do. The truth is that technical perfection is both unrealistic and unnecessary. Excellent is an undefined word.Intro to perfectionism:I’ve seen a lot lately on perfectionism. Kevin Miller, on his Self Helpful podcast, did a series on

Lies – perfection should be the target of your work – DBR 018 Read More »

Managing Oneself – Peter Drucker and the second quarter of the 21st century – DBR 017

Managing Oneself – Peter Drucker and the second quarter of the 21st century This episode covers the “smartest person you’ve probably never read”. Drucker foresaw the rise of Knowledge Work 60+ years ago. Not only did he define it for us, but he let us know that it would be the primary challenge of the

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Origin Story: How Attention Compass Came About – DBR 016

How did the Attention Compass come about? Why is it a thing now? Larry’s background through 2006 My career has been in IT management, so I understand something about tools, software, next generation technology. Throughout my career, I was always a productivity geek – Stephen Covey, David Allen, new tech, phone, etc During this time we

Origin Story: How Attention Compass Came About – DBR 016 Read More »

Listener Question: How do I Tame the Squirrel Brain? – DBR 014

In this episode, I answer a question from my buddy and listener, Joel. He feels like he has “Squirrel Brain” and wonders how to get rid of it. So, I define “Squirrel Brain” and talk about tactics for Taming the Squirrel. I love your questions. Reach me at [email protected] or connect on LinkedIn I’ll try

Listener Question: How do I Tame the Squirrel Brain? – DBR 014 Read More »

Lies – Productivity is Output Divided By Input – DBR 012

The lie here is that outputs divided by inputs is the right way to measure our productivity. I believe that we’re thinking about productivity in the wrong ways. Particularly when it comes to knowledge workers, we use similar thoughts and equations for knowledge worker productivity that we use for factory productivity or efficiency. I want to

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