Interruption, office hours, and tech-driven chatter – DBR 055

We had group class yesterday. It was our second of eight group meetings to implement attention compass. Nick is in the class, and he was talking about communication and interruption. Nick’s the one that has the office job with teammates and folks that that can reach out to him anytime. He has very little control over […]

Interruption, office hours, and tech-driven chatter – DBR 055 Read More »

Managing Oneself (part 2) – Identify and manage your maintenance roles – DBR 050

I’ve talked previously about managing oneself, and that was about Peter Drucker and Knowledge Work. That podcast is very popular, and it probably resonated with you. It’s one of my biggest downloads. There’s another aspect to Managing Oneself. I get a lot of questions like this: You might say “I’m pretty good at my Work, when I

Managing Oneself (part 2) – Identify and manage your maintenance roles – DBR 050 Read More »