We need a new operating system. We need one that is specifically dedicated to knowledge work. So I’m going to point you to one that already...Continue reading
Category: Podcast
If you want to be more effective in your work and in your life, and you’d like to have more confidence that you’re meeting your intentions, this is where it begins.
Welcome to Do Busy Right, helping you organize your information and manage your attention so that they work for you, not against you.
We educate you and encourage you by discussing ways to be more effective, not more exhausted.
Let’s Do Busy Right.
Top 10 Productivity Tips? NOT – DBR 066
This episode is about what it is I’m trying to do with attention compass. And why I hate current productivity “help”. I developed this AC stuff....Continue reading
Knowledge Work Careers via Resistance and Linchpin – DBR 065
I rarely talk about what we need to do to have a meaningful, successful career. So I gathered some sources… The first I’ll bring up is Seth...Continue reading
Invest in Technique to Get Better at Knowledge work – DBR 064
If you’ve listened to this podcast for very long, you know that I’m fascinated with human performance. Particularly when it comes down to work, how do...Continue reading
What does proactive have to do with busy and productive – DBR 063
I’m interested in this difference between busy and productive, if there is one. It’s hard to tell the difference, even from the inside. I think...Continue reading
Don’t Like Work? Why? – DBR 062
I want to explore what we mean when we say we don’t like to work, or we don’t like our work, or we don’t like...Continue reading
Humans Monotask; Computers Task-switch; Nothing Multitasks – DBR 061
I was having a sales conversation, discussing several ideas around managing tasks and attention.I happened to mention the background of the term multitasking and his...Continue reading
Do I Have a Context Problem? DBR 060
Anytime you talk about task management, you talk about actually doing things. It’s one thing to know you have something to do. It’s another thing...Continue reading
Smart Glasses, Book Notes, and a Memex – DBR059
I got this question from one of the participants in the current Attention Compass group training – “What should I be recording/capturing?” I had mentioned that...Continue reading
No 60-0-60 Thanksgiving – DBR 058
The 0 – 60 – 0 model of vacation and time off It’s pervasive in the Knowledge Work culture. I haven’t decided what to advise for...