This finishes the series on Attention Compass nuts and bolts. This is my coaching in a three-part, three-hour presentation. I want you to have this so you can start implementing.
Why should you implement Attention Compass? I think the modern work-style, the modern technology, and modern communications all work together to make us anxious/stressed about our work, our tasks, and where we’re putting our attention. Attention Compass directly attacks that stress. If you are uncertain about your productivity. If you feel like stress is what drives you. I’m telling you that your work doesn’t have to be this way. You can have productivity and progress, AND you can have peace and clarity.
The goal is for you to be able to implement, so I’m sharing so you’ll understand what what attention compass is and how it works, and you can implement and actually do it. So, you know, my goal is that you get this learning that you get this ability, so that you can develop a system. If you want to rely on me to do it for you, then I’m happy to do that. And certainly, there’s training available in this stuff. But you can begin to experiment on your own.
Two posts are already up – those posts talk about the tool and two of the workflows. And now we need to talk about the other two workflows.
Recap of the first two episodes in the series
The tool – Episode 22 – a tool that can hold the backlog
The first two workflows – Episode 23 – about tending the backlog
The next two workflows – this episode – about using the backlog
Daily review workflow
Candidate to-do list
The most common way is to create a new to-do list each day, but wait….
Why the daily to-do is bad
First part – what to do – invites creativity, which is bad
Second part – limit to today – invites urgency, which is also bad
The rolling backlog avoids these two problems
AC doesn’t rely on the daily to-do list
The candidate to-do list is always there (in a well-tended backlog) – bring it up to the minute in daily review
In daily review, pull things ‘off’ of the backlog
Recording that structure
What is a work block
Three things are true now that the structure is recorded
A daily work routine – blocks and meetings – now look at transitions
What to do in transition times
The flow
The deep-shallow rhythm
The submarine
Recap the daily review
Weekly review
Finalizing the workflows
What about the bigger picture – review the three episodes
How the tool works with the workflows
Each of the four workflows
Capture and processing allow us to garden well
Daily and weekly review
Attention Compass is a system
Across these three episodes, I’ve given you an understanding of how Attention Compass works, how to set up the tool, and how to do the workflows. You can do this. Why not start realizing the benefits: lower stress, greater focus, and more results?