This episode covers the “smartest person you’ve probably never read”. Drucker foresaw the rise of Knowledge Work 60+ years ago. Not only did he define it for us, but he let us know that it would be the primary challenge of the 21st Century manager. He also told us how and why to improve it. I discuss his six factors of Knowledge Worker productivity.
If you’re a Knowledge Worker and/or a manager, you need to understand the six factors so you can start working on them in your organization. And you’ll need to understand them because you have to manage yourself and your own productivity.
Who is Peter Drucker
Now you know how to proceed with making yourself more productive and, thus, more valuable in the modern economy. The Attention Compass is the foremost tool for self-management for Knowledge Workers. Check on
Note: the podcast relies heavily on the following article:
Knowledge-Worker Productivity: The Biggest Challenge. Peter F. Drucker.
California Management Review, Vol. 41, No. 2. 1999.