In this episode, I answer a question from a listener named Adrian. She’s got a great new job with a somewhat smaller company and feeling some symptoms of a less-structured position. So, I’ll be talking primarily to folks that are in the same position as Adrienne or folks who want to be in that position. What do we do about promotions? What do we do when we grow into better knowledge workers? What happens when we embrace the gig economy?
I love your questions. Reach me at [email protected] or connect on LinkedIn I’ll try to answer and let you know when I publish ‘your’ episode.
Back to Adrian’s question…
The three forces that typically cause a vacuum:
Learn self-management
Bosses help employees with task management, defining the employee’s role, and career management. But the three forces limit bosses’ ability to help employees in these areas. So these things form the notion of self-management.
Self-management’s two questions
Attention compass is designed for this exact situation
Due to the three forces of career growth, the rise of knowledge work, and the gig economy, we’re losing our bosses and the help they give us. So we need more self-management mindset and more task and attention management tools to replace that help.