This is one of a set of posts on common misconceptions about productivity and work. I call them Lies About Productivity. I’ll address some ‘lie’ and suggest a new mindset that is helpful toward being effective, not exhausted – Do Busy Right.
The Lie: You should equate working hard to being productive. Or that work should be hard in order to be valuable. At a minimum, we need to redefine the word ‘hard’ in this context. ‘Hard’ is too vague to be useful and to negative to be helpful.
The problem of not thinking beyond ‘hard’:
Think about things that ‘hard’ is not – we can pull them out of our definition
New mindset
We hear over and over again that hard work is the key to success. I just don’t think that is useful advice. It’s not nearly precise enough, thoughtful enough.
I’m not saying that the key to success is sitting, doing nothing; I believe in diligence and engagement. Nor am I saying that work is easy (although it can and should normally be calm, meaningful, and joyful); that’s no more helpful or precise than ‘hard’.
I’m saying to understand what is challenging about your specific work task: too routine/boring, frustrating, many things to consider, needs deep focus, etc. Name that thing and acknowledge it. This will lead to effectively dealing with the specific challenge. It will also help avoid the trap of ‘hard’ work as our value proposition to the world.